Verdegy Generator Blog
Find out information about the electrical grid, case studies and how generators work. Give me a call if I can help, 214-207-0506
Why Your Home Needs an Emergency Backup Solution
Why Your Home Needs an Emergency Backup Solution Many people consider emergency backup solutions like a home standby generator as a luxury; however, it is something crucial and even a necessity especially if you live in an area prone to frequent power outbreaks like...
How a Home Backup Generator Can Help During Power Outages in Dallas
This could have been the scene in April 26 in Dallas when we had three confirmed tornados, thunderstorms, hail and lots of damage to homes. Not to mention all the power outages that followed. How a Home Backup Generator Can Help During Power Outages in Dallas We have...
VIDEO: Answering Your Commercial Generators Questions
Your Dallas Commercial Generator Questions ANSWERED! We get lots of questions from business owners about Commercial generators. How does it look? Will installation affect my business? What is the ROI? We created a video to help answer all of your questions: ...
VIDEO: Why I Believe In Home Standby Generators
They say that every good business is born out of need. I had a situation in my life that made me realize the need for a home standby generator. After a bit of prodding, I finally got on camera for to tell my home generator story. Enjoy the video and make sure to...
Video: How a Home Generator Works at a Dallas Home
In this video, Ryan shares how a home generator works in his backyard here in Dallas. Watch as Ryan turns on the generator from his smartphone and see how quickly it can turn on when you power goes out. Generally, your home generator will kick in in about 15 seconds...
VIDEO: how easy a home stanby generator connects to your Dallas home
In this video, Ryan shows you his home standby generator in his backyard right here in Dallas. You can see how a home generator connects to your home and how it works when the power goes out. Make sure you share this with your friends so they can see how easy a home...