Standby generators, also known as whole house generators, can increase the value of your home and maintain the safety and comfort of your home during episodes of power outage. Standby generators are designed to supply home and business owners with necessary power supplies for as long as they are needed without interruption. They help prevent financial losses associated with prolonged power outages such as frozen pipes, spoiled food and extended hotel stays.

Powering Homes and Businesses

How Standby Generators Operate

The standby generator itself is permanently situated outdoors on a concrete pad. The automatic transfer switch, commonly referred to as the brain, connects the generator to the main panel breaker of your home. They are powered by external fuel supplies such as diesel, liquid propane and natural gas. When power outages occur, the loss of power is detected by the switch, which alerts the generator to turn on once your home is safely off the grid. Electricity is shunted to the house circuits that require emergency power. When your power outage is resolved, the switch signals the generator to stop and your home’s connection to the grid is restored. This process is automatic, so you can be assured your home will be supplied with power in the event you are away.

Benefits of Installing a Standby Generator

With an estimated 3.5 million Americans left without power during any given week, standby generators are worth considering for your home or business use.

The loss of electricity can have a negative effect on older adults. During extreme temperatures, hot and cold, they are more susceptible to hypothermia and hyperthermia. Losing power may also prevent them from using necessary medications and medical supplies such as nebulizers. These health risks are prevented with automatic backup power sources.

Standby generators can ensure the safety of your home or business, as power is supplied to security systems. Businesses can remain in contact with their customers and conduct business despite power losses with the restoration of essential services such as telephone and computer access. More importantly, standby generators prevent costly repairs and maintenance that are incurred when basements flood related to non-functioning septic systems.

Purchasing a whole house generator is a major investment for both home and business owners. However, consumers who utilize these generators report that the prevention of losses they would have incurred without backup power made the investment worthwhile, especially if they get high-quality ones from Dallas companies like Verdegy.

Is a Standby Generator Right for You?, HouseLogic
Spend Now, Save Later: The Benefits of Investing in a Standby Generator System, Proud Green Home